Topic's of conversation and inspiration

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Living Higher=Getting Thinner

You've heard the term "You are what you eat" but what if you reversed that and said "You eat what you are". What do I mean by that??? I mean, I believe that we choose foods to eat (harmful or good) that reflect our inner light and happiness (or lack thereof).

In all the research that I've done, I am convinced that what we get on the outside is what matches us on the inside. This doesn't just happen overnight. Our life is shaped out of the many thoughts we are thinking. I have known so many people who could easily say that they believe they are spiritual and loving people. They live a life full of kindness. They think good thoughts. These people are reaping the rewards of those behaviors in many ways. Their lives are richly blessed because of it. But why are they overweight? Because somewhere, they aren't really happy. They may be doing much of their acts out of obligation or a need to please others. At the center of all of it is resentment and frustration. These people will abuse their body with food because it matches their masked inner emptiness. I know because I was one of those people.

The big culprit in all of this is negative thoughts and emotions. These are the root cause of problems that show up with our bodies. I'm sorry to tell you this, but food is not your issue. It's the tool you use to deal with your issue. Some of the negatives I am talking about would be in the form of bad thoughts and feelings that you have toward others. Jealousy, anger, resentment, frustration, being judgmental, cynicism, superiority, fear, and hatred are a few of them that come to mind. I am not telling you that you "shouldn't" feel some of those feelings from time to time (you wouldn't be human). I am telling you that you shouldn't "dwell" on those feelings! They are a cancer to the soul and will eat you up, one bite at a time.

How can we fix this? We start changing our life. We begin by changing our heart. This is why I am so adamant about having a spiritual connection. When we legitimately adhere to a higher standard of living, we ultimately see progress in all areas of our lives.

If you are a good person already, then look for the kinks in your heart. I promise they are there or you wouldn't be struggling with the weight. As you become a centered, happier, more loving person from the core, you will start seeing changes take place!!!! This is what is continuously happening in my own life, so I can truly attest to this. I enjoy this process of enlightenment, even though I feel that some days I fail miserably. However, I just keep getting up and trying again. This is an evolutionary process for us all.

Final thought: See the hidden thorns in your rose bush. Cut them out and cultivate yourself with inner light. Only then will you become the magnificent creature you were meant to be!!!!


  1. Heather, You have said this so powerfully yet so simply. I didn't realize what was going on in my mind, heart, and soul until my weight overtook me again. My life is changed today. I'm attempting to fight the strongholds in my life. My desire is to serve Him, remember Him, learn. I fail all the time. I know I want to give it my best everyday. Thank you for your help. You bring the light.

  2. Heather, I have just recently discovered that I need to let go of the bitter feelings in my life regardless of what\who they are for! I know that when I am happy and I have positive feelings\thoughts that I am more successful in all the thing I am trying to accomplish in my life including weight loss! This isnt easy it is a continued process each day. Thank you for your strenght and example!

  3. I agree so wholeheartedly with both of you! Getting rid of the muddy water in our cups can only be done by pouring more clean and pure water in. Eventually the water in the cup gets clear. That's what happens to all of us when we clean up our negative baggage with the light of "love". I'm thrilled you are seeing that!

  4. Heather, I have really enjoyed coming to your sessions. It has helped me to see how my thoughts are affecting my weightloss. I have actually been stopping and thinking before I eat and yout weightloss tips have really helped me. Thanks for all your kindness & passion!!!!

  5. Karla...

    You are the magic! It is a huge honor for me to be able to participate in this experience with you! Thank you for your willingness to be open to my approach! I appreciate you so much!
