Topic's of conversation and inspiration

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Food is not an enemy!

If you read my newsletter then you will probably agree that food is definitely a temptation in your life. There are so many great things to eat out there. For the food addict, eating certain foods brings on a euphoric high, much like a drug addict with drugs. The problem with being a food addict is that you can never just walk away from food. Food addicts must constantly fight the battle. I used to use the analogy that being a recovering food addict is like learning how to tame the monster and live next door to it for the rest of your life. There's truth to that statement. But I'm here to say that you can! Like all my newsletters, I believe in the ability to do this with the help of a Higher Power.

I understand the mentality to NEVER eat certain foods which can trigger you into eating more. I have proclaimed that mindset for myself and others from time to time. But I've learned that adhering to that philosophy is dangerous and I'll tell you why. "Never" and "Always" are strong words to use in dealing with anything. The enemy loves words like that. Back in the Bible, Jesus came to rescue us from "laws" and "rules." He didn't abolish these laws, he just came to open our eyes to living a higher law. Living by the spirit of the law vs. the letter of it, was his example. With this in mind, when you set out to avoid fattening foods because of fear or weakness toward them, you walk a tight rope that Satan will use to torment you. Eventually, you may feel so restricted that you will give into the very things you tried to avoid.

The scriptures say "Everything is permissible"-but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"-but not everything is constructive." 1 Corinthians 10:23 NIV. What this says to me is that you CAN eat what you like, but the higher law, or the spirit of the law would tell you to consider WHAT you are putting into your body. Abstaining is not the answer necessarily, but moderation and understanding "why" you want to stop yourself, is the answer. I'm not advocating you eat everything in moderation all of the time, I'm simply warning against "always" and "never" stand points. If you keep a balanced approach to food, you will be wise. God allowed all these foods to exist. He is in control. Just like anything, if we abuse any of it, it can rule over our lives. "Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." 1 Corinthians 10:25-26 NIV. In this passage, Paul is speaking about spiritual laws that surrounded food in his day. I relate it to our current day. All food is NOT off limits. We must understand that this way of thinking is a trap. Food isn't the enemy. We CAN enjoy all different foods. We CAN partake. We just need to remember that when we do "partake", we must be wise and ask ourselves whether this will be beneficial to us. If the answer is "NO" and you still want to eat it, then prayerfully ask your Father to keep you in control while enjoying the taste of it. He will give you the ability to control yourself!

I just want to encourage you to relax with food. If you keep thinking you are to be so strict for the rest of your life, then you will undoubtedly feel like a slave to this philosophy. When you begin to feel in bondage to food (either by eating too much or too limited), you will indeed be a slave again to that master. The Lord wants to always be your Master. He wants to be #1. Food is just food, when God is in control of your life. Food has no power if God has the power! Please always remember that!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Becoming a Masterpiece

I acknowledge that those of you reading this newsletter are all at different levels when it comes to your weight. Some have a lot to lose while others have less and still others are simply trying to maintain what they've already lost. I realize that we are all in a similar boat when it comes to the battle. We are all in the brotherhood because we know the struggle. We understand the pain. We share the hope.

In reflection, I have pondered my experiences while heavier and thinner. I felt proud of my accomplishments, yet stifled by my lack of fulfillment in finishing the journey. You already know that I've come a long way. However, the golden ring still eluded me. I was stuck in accepting mediocrity and I was good at it. The pain of shame wasn't so much a problem anymore because I could get away with hiding my flaws in clothes. It's no wonder that my favorite season is Fall. One of the reasons is because when the weather gets colder, I could wear more clothes. But here comes Summer. My dreaded season. I love the sun but hate the clothes. Bathing suits, shorts, etc. I can't hide in the Summer.

This way of thinking was the norm for me but that's wrong! I was built to become a masterpiece. I was created for greatness and so were you! We should let everything about us SHINE! We are God's creation. In 1 Corinthians 11:7 it says, "A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man." We are made in His GLORIOUS image. That means we are to be magnifying that glory! When we accept mediocrity in how we approach our appearance, we fail to show off God's creation. We fail to shine! I'm not saying that the Lord is all about looks, not at all. I believe God wants our whole lives to shine. Matthew 5:16 says "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The Lord is interested in molding us and refining us into a work of art, in every aspect for everyone to see. Because when we truly shine on the inside and out, our lives become very attractive to others. They will want what we've got. We will be an instrument for the Lord to influence other people's lives.

As you know, I will be competing in the Mrs. Utah Pageant this summer, but I have also been training to run my first 5K on the 4th of July. I decided to do that before the Pageant was even in the picture because I wanted to prove something to myself. I was already feeling the need to grow in a fresh new way in my life and then the Pageant came and really forced me to stretch myself and my faith. I truly believe God is using these opportunity's to put me in a position to polish up my act. Not only has it humbled me and had me lean on Him in a way that I have never experienced spiritually, but it has me reaching new heights physically. I feel like the raw clay and my Heavenly Father is the sculptor. He is turning me into His masterpiece and I am in reverence of His love for me. He wants to do the same for you!

Don't accept less than the best for yourself! Become shiny for the Lord in every way. Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Do something that forces you to stretch. Commit yourself to something that you can't back out of. This sets you up to really exercise some genuine faith in your Father.

I realized early on that I couldn't back out of both of these commitments. My true integrity is hanging in the balance. Because of this knowledge... I am leaning hard on God's wisdom, strength and my efforts to back that up. What I first thought insane, has become my saving grace. I pray that you will allow the Lord to polish you up, too. That you will let Him take your life and truly create the masterpiece that you were meant to be!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

What's holding you back???

Let me ask you a question. What things get in your way when losing weight? Could it be restricted eating, exercise, prepping foods, planning meals, no support from family, slow metabolism, your medications hinder it, difficult when eating out, too many social events on your calendar, a vacation, a crazy schedule.....

I have heard every single one of those things and I've said a lot of them myself. But have you ever lost weight in spite of many of those same challenges? I can speak from a place of expertise on this when I say that I have been on both sides of that fence. Doing it through the struggles and also not doing it because of the struggles.

Let me switch gears for a moment. Have you ever heard about the Placebo Effect? The Placebo Effect happens when they test out medications to see the effectiveness. They have one group take the real medication and they have a different group take a pill that contains just sugar. Both groups think they are getting the medication that will heal what they've got. In study after study the sugar pill cured around 30% of the recipients. Do you realize how amazing that is? Let's say they were testing a new medicine for chronic headaches, 30% of the recipients were cured from nothing more than a little sugar pill. Their CHRONIC headaches were now totally gone. They believed it was the medicine and they believed the medicine would work. THEY GOT WHAT THEY BELIEVED!!!!!

Maybe you can connect where I'm going with all of this. One of the biggest problems I face in helping people (including helping myself) is in self limiting beliefs. I know this is hard for you to swallow, but it's true! When I asked what things do you think get in your way when losing weight, I really want you to think about what things you think get in your way. Make a list. When you're done... look at it and then realize, that YOU are putting those things in your way! Those things will be huge road blocks to your success if you don't change the way you think about them.

I have had clients in the past who were told by doctors that because of their medical condition they would have a very difficult, if not impossible time losing any weight. How horrible. When I hear stories like that it makes me want to cringe!!! The first thing I say to people like that is to forget what they heard! I tell them that they have the power to think differently about their circumstances. I can think of one client who was told by a doctor she would never go below 200 on the scale because of her fibromyalgia and it was coming true with countless failed attempts. I told her to trust me and believe that her mind and the right eating would do the trick. She did and last time I saw her she was around 170 pounds! You see... you can climb over those limiting walls if you think you can!

Ask yourself these 5 questions when redefining your limiting beliefs.

1. Is this goal desirable and worthwhile?

2. Have others with similar circumstances to mine, accomplished this goal?

3. Is it POSSIBLE for me? (pay attention to your inner voice right now... what negative things is it saying? Now think of your true capabilities)
4. Is what it takes to achieve this goal appropriate and reasonable?

5. Do I think I truly deserve it? (Think about that and search your heart... you may not think you do)

After asking yourself all those questions, then remember that you can redefine anything with a new thought and feeling.

What if you now say & believe that losing weight can be easy because you know there are people out there who say that, believe it and it does become easy? What if you can love eating healthy foods because you focus on the way your body feels after you eat them? What if you can say you love to exercise because you love how much energy you have when you're done? What if you can love planning and prepping foods in advance because you understand how easy it makes your life after its prepared? What if you go out to eat and think of yourself like a naturally thin person because you know that naturally thin people make their companions the main attraction, not the food? What if you choose to say that you have a faster metabolism because you simply believe it and know that it can be sped up with eating healthy food combinations frequently? Do you see? Get your head around and rationalize a higher meaning for change and then buy into the belief!!!! This will work! Test it! I want you all to stop limiting yourself today! I know you are capable of amazing things!